The kids had their birthdays over the summer. I'm happy to report we made it through the birthday's and the requisite parties in one piece.
Here are some gratuitous cake pics.

This was
Cakes' cake.
Bon decorated this fabulous cake. Superwoman was going to help, but some unforeseen things came up the evening before the b-day party. So not only did Bon help Superwoman out of a jam, she also decorated this entire cake by herself! Why? Cause she's Bon and she's cool like that. Thanks Bon, Cakes loved it.
Superwoman did this next cake for
Cookie Monster. Cookie monster is a huge fan of Scooby Doo. So this cake was another home run. Superwoman did an awesome job on it. The cakes looked great. The kids had fun. Thank goodness we're done!
Wow Superwoman is fantasticly talented! Great stuff, Sushiboy!
love it
My daughter had a Barbie Cake for her 5th birthday. My girlfriend and I made it and it was spectacular!
Umm... but we refrained from adding sushi and stuck to plain-old chocolate. Kinda boring, I know.
Voting is open in Cul-de-Sac and I haven't seen you sign the guest book!
We even have a posted dedicated to you!
Wow - Bon and Superwoman do awesome work!
My thx to zed jen and fantagrl: Superwoman and Bon truly do some amazing work.
Dr. Mom: Barbie cakes are a rite of passage (imho) for a little girl. When I was a little boy my mom made a cake of the Space Shuttle. It was the coolest.
Hey! Thanks for the mention... it was mah pleasure.
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