worst of the worst movies according to rotten tomatoes.
I've seen
Elektra I didn't think it was that bad. I didn't think it was that great either. I can think of some movies that were worse that this one that should have made the list. Like Dumb and Dumberer for example.
The Skulls Cliche and boring.
UltraViolet Should have been called UltraStupid. It was insipid trying to be artistic. Took itself way to seriously. I can't believe I made it through the whole thing. In my list this would be close to number 1.
Yours Mine and Ours Why do family movies have to be stupid? Thank heavens for Pixar.
Down to You (this was a yawner, very very boring, pointless)
Happily Never After I bought this for Superwoman without reading a review. I'm surprised it didn't cause a divorce. I watched about 15 minutes of it before I had to turn it off, dismal.
Master of Disguise This one I think I may have saw part of it. But like most of my most scarring memories this seems to be suppressed. I don't remember much but pain.
Movies I'd like to see on the list
Rush Hour 3 (terrible, this coming from a die hard Jackie Chan fan)
Benchwarmers (sigh, I can't believe I actually rented this one, Superwoman was smart not to watch it with me)
Speed 2 (a half hour long crash scene, not nearly as exciting as it sounds)
Little Nicky (ugh, awful )
The Fast and the Furious (st000000pid, if I was the under cover cop in this movie I wouldn't have arrested vin deseil's character either, I would have killed him)
Bewitched [2005] (Nicole Kidman should be ashamed)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (the trailers had all the best parts of this movie, and those were sub-par. I like dodge-ball, hate this movie)
Titanic and
Pearl Harbor (Bad movies made worse by treating lightly the tragedies they use as a backdrop, shameless exploitation of events that should be treated with some degree of reverence)
What are the worst movies you've seen?