Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I'm not dead. But the last couple of days I sometimes wish that I were. I've had strep throat and I'm feeling pretty under the weather. All the smoke drifting north from the huge wildfire is making recovery difficult. (People with allergies and smoke don't mix.)


Doctor Mom™ said...

Good to hear from you!
Strep can be incredibly nasty to adults.
You take the time to heal...

Plenty of rest, water, hot steamy showers...ok, it might be too warm for make it just hot and steamy!

Rest up and come back when you feel like a human again!

Zed said...

Oh, Sushiboy, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Get well asap!

Sans Pantaloons said...

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. The wildfire sounds very nasty.

"that girl" said...

eeewwww .... i get it every year, sometimes twice a year