Monday, May 28, 2007

Relatively Speaking

Just a quick post for anyone interested in genealogy. There is a radio program covering geanealogy on a local station. Relatively Speaking also has a podcast so you can listen to it worldwide, or you can listen to a live internet stream. (4 PM to 6 PM Mountain time) I listened to it for the first time last Sunday. It was pretty good.


DadGuy said...

I'm a fan of glenn beck. A little bit of news, a little bit of derangement, and some good entertainment.

I'm working on my geneaology... I'll move on to my ancestors once we stop having kids.

DadGuy said...

Sorry, that was a bit non-sequiter. Or however you say that.

You said radio and I was thinking "Yeah, I listen to talk radio all the time now that it takes me a while to get to work!"

You know, just so I don't look too random.

Sushiboy said...

I didn't know that he had a radio show. I've just seen Glenn on CNN. What station does he air on?

Teri said...

what were they talking about?

if it's worthwhile I'll check it out.

Sushiboy said...

Last Sunday they were talking about how added 90 million military records and how to take advantage of this vast new resource.

DadGuy said...