First with the A's
I recieved my final grades for the summer and I earned an
A in Stats. I'm very happy about this A as I worked very hard for it.
Second I have been tagged by the sexy and wonderful Superwoman with the ABC's of me. So here goes:
Attached? Very. To Superwoman and extra glued by our two (soon to be three) rugrats.
Best Friend? Superwoman.
Cake or Pie? Uh, yuck. I like meat pies. I don't really go for sweet cakes and pies.
Day of Choice? Saturday. My day off. I try to have everything, homework, work, church stuff, all out of the way so I can have Saturday with my family or to myself. Occasionally yard work creeps in.
Essential Item? A large supply of cola.
Favorite color? Purple
Gummy bears or worms? Worms are a lot more fun to eat.
Hometown? Born in CO. Live in Utah.
Indulgence? Sushi, Cool Ranch Doritos, Bratwurst, Steak, Coca Cola, Salmon/Tuna
January or July? July, its hard to grill in January
Kids? Yes. Cookie Monster, Cakes, one in the oven.
Life isn't complete.... alone.
Marriage Date? Thirteenth of May.
Number of Brothers and Sisters? 2 Brothers, 1 Sister. My sister is the only one still living.
Oranges or Apples? Uh, tie.
Phobias? That Superwoman will die.
Quote? The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
-- Albert EinsteinReasons to Smile? My wife and kids, home in general, good grades, a good meal, a good book and a good friend.
Season of Choice? Er uh, .... hmmm I'm not sure that I have one. I think it would be early winter and late fall. I love the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I love curling up by the fire with a warm blanket and good book and hot chocolate listening to festive music. That time sucks in college cause I usually have about 50 projects due, but if I can take the time to savor it, I think I like that time the best.
Tag Seven People? No .... I don't care to tag anyone right now.
Unknown Fact? I'd rather do something creative than I would math or science. I think that is why I like engineering because I get to build things and be creative, and I still get to use some other skills I'm good at.
Vegetable? Winter Squashes.
Worst habits? I can be really annoying. I have a sharp tongue, I can say some really cutting things.
X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound, lotsa happy memories there (very fun to see my babies). X-rays memories are mostly painful, (but it is cool to see my bones)
Your favorite food? SUSHI
Zodiac sign? Taurus - Not that it matters anyways.
There you have it! thank you and good day!