Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The Building of Lost TimeFor the record I am straight. Heh.

I just got back to work after sitting through a college orientation indented for bran' spankin' new high school grads. It felt like a high school senior sitting through Kindergarten. Everyone else was stoked to be there, I just want to graduate and be done. They were chanting college cheers and were so exited to be college kids (er adults...) I just wasn't in to chanting U-V-U, and 'giving it up for' the dean of general education. Heh. I'm old (well at least compared to 17/18 year old gals behind me; busily taking about boys, dances and general ed classes). Despite feeling a little babied, it wasn't too bad. Its good to be doing something about that degree I've been meaning to get.


DadGuy said...

It can only go up from here.



Bob said...

Good luck! You seem like a smart guy, so I'm sure you'll have no problems at all.

Zed said...

You're going to do great (for an "old" guy)!